Undeniably so. It flows red in my veins, just as pure and sure as Stauffer, Wenger, Burkholder, and Martin. With no misgivings or second thoughts, I built this for myself. While you laugh, I'll be hauling water for my trees with this contraption. Possibly under the cover of darkness.
Darren, you were startled to become your father. Try this.
Yah well, it was cheap. (More proof of the Piker within.)
Except that a Piker would not hitch his wagon to a John Deere. This shows you are finding the real person within. :-)
I don't know?! A two-color apparatus? Maybe you should paint it a more subdued brown or black or dark blue or dark green. But two-color? Of course, since the thing was originally two-color and it would cost something to paint it, maybe you shouldn't.
That is a Castrol Oil barrel I got for free. It came those colors. The plan is to paint it green with yellow wheels after I am sure that I don't have to make any changes. Currently the hitch binds a little when turning sharp, so I have to cut that apart and re-weld it.
Steel wheels! You're tractor needs them. You would at least qualify as a Jo-Wenger then, if not a Piker.
Hey Geamy,
Thanks for keeping me aware of my grammar! I hope your Pikerness is working out well for you.
I think I told you about the Cherry Blossom Festival they have here in New York every year. Its coming up on May 3 and 4th. You can check it out at the link below. Of course, you know you are welcome to stay at our place if you want to check it out.
Du bischt 'n Piker? Kannst Deitsch schwetse? Bischt's Piker G'meehaus bekannt? Ich hab kee Englisch schwetze kenne ebb Ich inn die Schul gange bin.
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