Quite a bit further along now. I took about an inch off it's back since the last photo was taken, and I feel like the proportions are now much more accurate. Gave him some whiskers because I was tired of looking at that area and feeling like something was terribly missing. I'm still not too happy with the tail, I'm having a hard time finding a balance between a softer look since it's further from the viewer and the same crazy detail as the face. There are so very many things I think I'd do differently now, and as I'm nearing completion, I'm becoming only somewhat satisfied with the finished product. But this is the first painting of a cat that I've ever done, and I've never before attempted the fur look with anything else, so I'm trying not to get frustrated with myself. I still don't have much of a "style" since this is only the third oil painting I've taken this close to completion. I think I might want to work a great deal "looser" than this in the future.
Speaking of the future, I think my next project will be a four panel series of orchids. Something using my own reference material that I can actually market. :)
Sorry about the ugly glare in the photo by the way, some of the paint is still very wet.
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